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  • As far back as the ancient Chinese texts there is written evidence of acupuncture being using for facial enhancement. Although facial acupuncture as it is often practised now, follows protocols and continually evolves and develops, its roots will always remain in the ancient foundations of acupuncture, and can only be practised by those who are fully trained in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine.

    To receive a facial acupuncture treatment is far more than the benefits to your skin quality, tone and overall complexion. It is deeper than that for in Chinese Medicine the face represents the Spirit, and so through treating the face you are also nourishing your Spirit. It is about nurturing the beauty within as well as without. The more we feel well and in balance the more other areas of life can be addressed, such as lifestyle and exercise. It is a whole body experience.

    The treatment concentrates on points and muscles of the face to improve the elasticity of your skin and general overall appearance. Alongside the facial points Rebecca also needles constitutional points on your legs, arms and body - points which are selected according to your unique root needs to help harmonise and balance your inner elements.

    Studies published in the International Journal of Clinical Acupuncture in 1996 showed that: “…of 300 people who received Facial Acupuncture, 90% demonstrated marked results after only their first treatment.”

    An energy and vitality in the face is experienced, along with changes in fine lines and wrinkles.

    The recommended treatment is 8 sessions ideally weekly, and following this once every 6 to 8 weeks to keep the facial energy strong.

    Included in this treatment is Gua Sha, an ancient skin scraping technique to move blood; jade rolling and highest quality doTERRA essential oils in serums and creams.

    Celluma Low-level Light Therapy can also be included into this treatment to further enhance results.

  • This is a cosmetic treatment using a single-use sterile dermal roller. The derma roller has many tiny needles causing pin prick wounds on the skin which initiates the body’s healing process. This healing process involves producing collagen and elastin, adding to the levels which already exist and helping improve the skin’s general appearance.

    The treatment has provides two significant benefits:

    Firstly the increased collagen production effectively benefits a range of issues caused Reducing fine lines and wrinkles

    • Acne scars and pitted scar reduction

    • Scar treatment

    • Pigmentation Marks

    • Open Pores

    Secondly, skin micro-needling greatly improves the absorption of creams and oils leading to enhanced results and healthier, smoother, softer and more radiant skin.

    Rebecca uses a blend of highest grade doTERRA essential oils in her face serum and cream applied in the treatment.

  • Rebecca is a certified practitioner of low-level light therapy and offers this treatment as a natural therapy on its own or as an addition to her acupuncture, facial acupuncture and micro needling facial treatments.

    Scientifically proven light therapy to support the skin with signs of ageing and with acne; and in the management of pain

    Light Emitting Diode (LED) therapy, also known as phototherapy or low-level light therapy, is the application of specific wavelengths of light energy to tissue to obtain therapeutic benefits for a variety of conditions including the skin and pain.

    In the same way that plants use chlorophyll to convert sunlight into energy, high intensity light emitting diodes (LEDs) utilising specific, proven wavelengths of light can trigger a natural biostimulatory effect in human tissue and the energy absorbed is used by the body to improve cellular performance. Simply put, the LED light source provides compromised cells with added energy so the cells performance is enhanced. For example, fibroblast cells in the skin will increase collagen and elastin production in connective tissue to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in our skin and increase the rate of wound healing.

    Light therapy is well known for its healing and anti-inflammatory properties and has a variety of applications across many medical fields. Extensive research has shown that LED light therapy can

    • increase circulation

    • accelerate tissue repair

    • kill acne bacteria

    • decrease inflammation

    • improve skin tone, texture and clarity

    • decrease under eye wrinkles

    • ease muscle and joint pain, stiffness, spasm, and pain associated with arthritis.

    The treatment is non-invasive, painless, requires no recovery time, and can be used safely on all skin types.

    Celluma Light Therapy Treatment Guidelines

    For facial enhancement or specific skin conditions it is recommended twice a week for a period of 4 to 8 weeks.

    For pain management it is recommended twice a week for 4 to 6 weeks, but is very dependent on the nature of the pain and whether chronic or acute. This is determined in the initial consultation.

    Celluma Light Therapy can be an individual treatment - £35 for 30 minutes

    or combined with other treatments for further enhanced results - additional £20

    or following full consultation are available to hire for use at home for 1 - 2 weeks (contact Rebecca for more details)

    Read more about the science behind Celluma Low Level light therapy here

  • Holistic Wellbeing for Inner & Outer Beauty.

    Restoring peace of mind, body and self whilst resolving the needs of sensitive skin with a unique approach to skincare therapy. With luxurious Dr Hauschka signature facials and bespoke vibrational Flower Remedies, Biodynamic Beauty naturally supports clients to radiate with both their inner and outer beauty.



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Rebecca Wheatley

Lic Ac, MBAcC, Dip ITHMA, MIFPA, MFEA                        

Acupuncture; Aromatherapy; Facial Acupuncture; Microneedle Therapy; doTERRA Essential Oils; Celluma Low-Level Light Therapy

‘The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step’ Lao Tzu

Rebecca has worked in natural medicine for the past 25 years, first training in Aromatherapy in 1995 with Chinese Medicine principles and later training in Acupuncture. A passionate educator on essential oils, natural living and Chinese Medicine philosophy, Rebecca supports individuals through clinic treatments, online consultations and education, to increased and empowered health and well-being. Her passion in supporting others with natural ways to manage their health and wellbeing led to additional training in Facial Acupuncture, Microneedle Therapy and Celluma Low-Level Light Therapy.

Rebecca’s treatments are founded on the deep principle that through the gift of natures essence, essential oils, and the wisdom of Chinese Medicine, physical health and emotional and spiritual well-being can be nourished and strengthened in order to allow each individual’s unique essence to guide their lives and journey towards living their full potential. Rebecca has a warm, caring and intuitive approach, and treatments are unique to each individual to help rebalance, strengthen and realign energies.

Facial Acupuncture and Microneedle Therapy treatments support whole body health by stimulating facial acupoints, affecting energy and overall vitality as well as improving the quality, texture and complexion of the skin.

All treatments are combined with highest grade essential oils.


Facial Acupuncture with highest purity face oils, Gua Sha and Derma Rolling - 90 mins - £100

Course of 8 Facial Acupuncture Treatments - 10% reduction

Microneedle Therapy with highest quality face oils and Jade derma rolling - 90 mins - £185

Celluma Low-Level Light Therapy - Individual Treatment: £35 for 30 mins; Incorporated into a Facial or Acupuncture Treatment - additional £20

Celluma Low Level Light Therapy Rental for Home Treatment - contact Rebecca for more details and to book a consultation

Acupuncture - Initial consultation - £75; Follow up 45 mins - £60

Acupuncture, Massage with Essential Oils and Reiki - 60 mins - £80

Acupuncture, Massage with Essential Oils, Reiki - 90mins - £100

Aromatherapy and Acupressure Treatment - 60 mins £80

Contact Details:

Email: email Mob: 07786 656 466


Sandrine ~ Biodynamic Beauty

Sandrine combines two decades of experience in complementary health, healing and body work to engage with clients holistically, resolving skincare and stress issues to support both inner and outer beauty. 

Beauty Is More Than Skin Deep

Understanding client sensitivities to the environment, to food and products, Sandrine knows that beauty is more than skin deep. The journey to beautiful skin is a holistic endeavour; what we eat, think and do, as well as what we put onto our bodies, produces an overall effect.

- Biodynamic treatments are done by hand, making it truly unique. 

- There are no machines, devices, needles, or UV light. 

- Working by hand to facilitate the process of meeting and release.

- The alternation between rest and movement, heat and cold.

By using gentle brushes during lymph stimulation to relax and unblock capillaries, the tissue’s self-cleansing function is activated to detoxify itself, allowing oxygen and nutrients to access the cells more quickly again. Sandrine trained extensively in many complimentary and therapeutic modalities and qualified as a Biodynamic DrHauschka Aesthetician in 2010.

Supporting clients wellbeing with the vibrational healing of plants provides an antidote to the stress and demands of life.

Biodynamic and organic flower remedies can be used either long or short term to resolve past traumas or painful negative emotions. 

Energetic shifts can provide fresh coping mechanisms, bringing a renewed sense of purpose, optimism and a positive outlook on life. Biodynamic, organic and wildcrafted English Bach Flower or Australian Flower remedies are blended and prepared with pristine local spring water and preserved with biodynamic brandy.

Sandrine is a fully qualified and insured member of the BFVEA (British Flower & Vibrational Essence association)

Contact Details: Email: Mob: 07890023131
