CranioSacral Therapy and Somato Emotional Release®

Upledger CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, client-centred, whole-body treatment offering deep tissue relaxation to facilitate natural self-correcting and self-regulating processes.  Known for the light touch and subtle manipulations, CST techniques are safe and suitable for all ages including new-born babies.  Treatments occasionally involve therapeutic images and conversation for enabling the client to gain more understanding about the origin and the meaning of the illness or discomfort.   Client can remain dressed during the therapy session, and the rooms of Anderida Practice provide a calm and homely environment, which is ideal for this therapy. 

Somato Emotional Release® becomes a part of the CranioSacral Therapy process in some cases.  Recalling past experiences and forgotten memories, or a visualisation with an imaginary journey and emotional processing can lead to a profound change in one’s understanding of how some events and feelings contributed to the development of an illness.  In many cases this realisation can activate self-healing.

CranioSacral Therapy with Somato Emotional Release®  integrates light structural and fascia release techniques with the discovery of mind and body connections and with the intention of finding those inner resources, which may be needed for moving towards a positive change. 

This treatment modality was pioneered in the USA by Dr John E Upledger Osteopathic Physician. In the 1970s he researched the tenets of Cranial Osteopathy - originally established by William G Sutherland - and then continued developing CranioSacral Therapy. His book: Your Inner Physician and You, first published in 1997, describes many significant cases, and the discoveries, which inspired his teaching and therapeutic work at the Upledger Institute Clinic in Florida. 


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Gabor Vajnai

CST, MCSS; CranioSacral Therapist

Accreditation: Cranio Sacral Society (CSS)

Registration: General Regulatory Council for Complementary Therapies (GRCCT): 642627



Tel: 01892 278631

I am an experienced CranioSacral Therapist, qualified with The Upledger Institute. (2009).

In CranioSacral Therapy Dr John E Upledger seamlessly integrated medical science, psychology and spirituality in the direct and gentle treatment for the whole body.

Clients frequently come for a therapy session with one specific issue, although most of my clients have a complex medical history requiring regular treatments.

These include treatments for:

- Persistent Pain of various origins,

- Concussion,

- Anxiety, Depression,

- Insomnia, Stress,

- Chronic Fatigue (ME),

- Fibromyalgia,

- Cancer,

- IBS,

- Migraine,

- Autism, ADHD,

- Post Viral Syndrome, Long-Covid,

- Brain and Spinal cord Injury and Stroke rehabilitation

- Recovering after accidents, injury and surgery

In my practice, I found that CST is effective to support clients who experienced major challenges or trauma in their childhood or later in life and maybe experiencing symptoms of post-traumatic stress PTSD.

The treatment process often enables clients to discover connections between their current health issues and past events.

I strongly believe in the possibility of developing resilience and re-building health rather than fighting the disease. I love to encourage younger families to receive regular CST treatments as a form of preventative health care, for maintaining well-being and resilience.

I grew up in Budapest in the 60s and 70s then worked as a mental health nurse practitioner before I moved with my family to a Camphill Community in England. Then we also spent years living in Ireland. In Camphill, I experienced social therapy and a way of existing in harmony with nature, and I became a life-long student of the teachings of Dr Rudolf Steiner.

For over a decade I worked intensively with clients recovering after major head injuries, brain trauma or stroke.

I participate in the Upledger CranioSacral Therapy Intensive Programmes with multiple therapist treatments for Post Traumatic Stress and other chronic conditions and assist Upledger Institute UK training programmes.

I am interested in nature observation and allotment gardening, psychology, history and reading biographies.

In the course of your treatment I am a facilitator. I am not a healer or someone to fix your problems. CranioSacral Therapy is not following a prescribed protocol. It will be based on your individual needs as they are presented, and supports what you need to do for your healing and for your development.. Your “Inner Physician”, the wisdom of your body knows what you need, and how to recruit help. I am here to facilitate your progress.


Sam Rehan


Craniosacral Therapy 

“Touch comes before sight, before speech. It is the first language and the last, and it always tells the truth.” - Margaret Atwood

 What is Craniosacral Therapy (CST)?  

Craniosacral Therapy is an alternative treatment for physical pain and emotional distress. Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a gentle but powerful way of working with the body using a light touch. It supports your body’s natural ability to balance, restore and heal itself as well as helping to reduce stress and build underlying energy. It is suitable for everyone, from newly-born babies to the elderly. 

Through the simplicity of gentle listening touch, CST offers a distinctive stillness that allows your mind and body to rest deeply and begin to restore a natural balance. CST recognises and assists the connections between body, mind and emotions. In the peaceful space created during a session, these connections can become more fully integrated. 

How does CST relate to psychotherapy and counselling? 

CST is a perfect complement to talking therapies. Physically processing emotional issues and trauma held in the body supports the work of counselling and psychotherapy.

 Can I remain dressed?

You'll typically remain fully clothed during the treatment, so wear comfortable clothing to your appointment.

Is there any massage or manipulation involved?

Craniosacral therapy uses a light touch, to “listen to” the body for tension patterns and imbalances. The craniosacral session does not use massage or manipulation.

Sam trained with The Craniosacral Therapy Educational Trust in London and qualified in 2008. She uses Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, a gentle, non-invasive, hands-on session for the whole body. The session focus is to support the inherent health of the whole being, especially the nervous system (NS). The NS dictates all of the body’s functioning, constantly sending and receiving information. 

Sam’s youngest client was 4 days old and her oldest 99.


Laughter Well-being/Laughter Yoga/Laughter Therapy: individual or groups

Stress Management

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) / EFT Tapping

Craniosacral Therapy

Well-being Mentoring

Happy Ageing

Group Well-being


Based on location, length of session and number of people – please enquire

I offer concessions and payment plan

Contact Details:

I’m happy to have a chat by phone or video if you have questions or want to get a sense of my personality and how I work.


Contact: 07733 224429