Life Coaching is a path that takes the client from where they are now, to where they want to be. The coach holds a supported and guided space for the client to explore themselves and their life, to access their own wisdom and knowledge, desires and purpose.

The coach guides the client, with curiosity, through the different areas of themselves, their lives helping them to find their possible resolutions, answer and create commitments to themselves that move them forward towards their ultimate desires, wants, needs and goals. Drawing the clients dreams into their reality and ultimately aligning them with their highest potential



Lucy Pople

I am a Human Design DeepSelf Alignment Coach & Chakra Dancing Meditation Therapist.

Here to RAISE your Frequency.

Assisting you on your journey from Stressed & Depressed to Blessed & Expressed.

Reignite your spark!

‘Be’ who you were born to ‘be’

Join me to ….

Find your clarity and vision for your life

Identify your personal boundary status and customise new boundaries

Unravel from the conditioning that holds you back

Be supported with accountability

Experience deep healing

Be empowered

Align with your souls purpose

Live every day at the frequency of being Blessed & Expressed


Energy 4 Life Coach & Facilitator

Unified Coherence Life Coach & Facilitator

Human Design ‘for us all’ Reader Training

Chakra Dance & Meditation Therapist

“Importantly, I am a constantly evolving mother of three young children and partner to one, which is proving to be a continuous journey / qualification of self-actualisation. This journey of motherhood and partnership has been my driving force to understand my deepest self, to discover the empowerment and magic that can take place within. This role of mother and lover is particularly vital in our culture today and I am passionate about supporting these roles for women as they navigate the modern world. I am very passionate about feminine energy and holding space for the feminine qualities to be valued and expressed authentically.”


BOOK an introduction to your Human Design

discover your innate blueprint and the mechanics of your energetic being.

Foundational Human Design Introduction

60 mins £50

Further Integration & Visioning Coaching

- to follow up your Introduction

90 mins £65

Advanced Human Design Introduction Part 1

60 min £75

Advanced Human Design Introduction Part 2

60 min £75

The DeepSelf Alignment Program

to further the DeepSelf Alignment to yourself and your life

5 Sessions 90 mins each £475

To book your free 30 min clarity call or

For more details please contact me

(m) 07545544446


Download my FREE workbook

‘A First Aid Kit for Stress & Anxiety’

I am so excited to work with you on this wonderful and empowering adventure into yourself.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Lucy Pople

Miche Tetley.jpg

Miche Tetley

Miche is a BACP registered and accredited psychotherapist, who also has training and experience in working with subtle energies.

Her combination of intuitive sensing, therapeutic insight and somatic awareness provide a space of deep holistic holding and practical support for transforming difficulties and personal evolution. Her sessions are nourishing and supportive, whether you are interested in Psychotherapy & Counselling, Soul Reading or Coaching.

Originally trained in Gestalt and somatic psychotherapy at Spectrum in London, she has been working in private practice as a humanistic psychotherapist since 2007 and has experience working with clients across a wide range of issues, whilst specialising in working with people who suffer with anxiety. Alongside, Miche has also worked as an intuitive practitioner for a decade or more. She began with reading subtle energies and spirit guides through cards over 20 years ago and followed this with training in Theta Healing, Soul Reading and Shamanic methods.

She holds a breadth of skills, tools and perspectives that span the fields of psychology, emotional awareness, neuroscience, the energy body, creativity, spirit and soul and she works with each individual client to help address whatever their point of need is in the highest way possible for them.

She also supervises healers and holistic professionals who wish to develop psychological rigour and therapeutic professionalism in their practice.

As well as a therapist and intuitive guide, she is an artist, a mother, and a forest school leader, and enjoys walking, crafting and creating. Her abstract paintings, which are inspired by nature and the elements, are currently for sale at the Anderida Community and Practice.

Miche offers coaching in a range of development topics, which can be explored separately or in combination, including:

Creativity Coaching – Explore your relationship with your creativity and develop tools and skills to support you to engage with your creative flow.

Transpersonal Coaching – Develop your relationship with your own personal understanding of Spirit and Soul and enhance your connection to the Divine.

Abundance Coaching – Learn how to boost your flow of abundance energy and engage with your personal magic of manifestation in a grounded and practical way.

Energy Coaching – Discover ways to manage your sensitivity, how to protect your energy body, how to feel subtle energies and how to employ simple self-healing techniques for emotional regulation and physical well-being.


£80 per 50 minute session

Contact Details:

Email: Mob: 07527188405

Website: and